
IOM Launches New Web Series to Enhance Social Cohesion among Refugee and Local Communities in Indonesia

(JAKARTA, Indonesia) – The International Organization for Migration (IOM) launched a new web series that aims to increase understanding of common issues faced by refugees and asylum seekers residing in Indonesia in an effort to foster social cohesion. Consisting of five episodes, the web series draws inspiration from the real-life experiences of refugees and asylum seekers who sought protections in various regions of Indonesia for almost a decade.

The five episodes of the web series - "Burn the Past," "The New Horizon," "Trial of Happiness," "Space Between Us," and "Pursuit of Knowledge," - explore the life stories of the main characters as they interact and coexist with the communities around them. These captivating narratives aim to fortify social cohesion between refugees, asylum seekers, and the local Indonesian community. The series was produced in collaboration with refugees under the care of the IOM in four different cities: Jakarta, Medan, Kupang and Surabaya.

Josh Hart, IOM's Senior Programme Coordinator, said, "Through this web series, we hope that local communities can better understand refugees and asylum seekers, including the positive attributes they bring and the challenges they face. Although Indonesia is not a signatory to the 1951 Refugee Convention, the generosity of spirit and willingness of the Indonesian people to welcome refugees while they wait for durable solutions is a shining example in the region.”

The launch of this compelling web series will be conducted online and followed by a film discussion featuring the refugee and non-refugee actors, the film director, and IOM experts who will share their experiences working with refugees and local community members in enhancing social cohesion. They will also talk about the psychological toll of a protracted wait while seeking durable solutions on refugees.

IOM Indonesia currently assists more than 6,800 overseas refugees in Indonesia. IOM delivers its refugee assistance in line with the Government of Indonesia’s Presidential Regulation No.125/2016 on the Handling of Foreign Refugees including shelter, monthly cash-based assistance, medical insurance, psychosocial support, access to education, social cohesion, and targeted case management. IOM’s refugee assistance supports the implementation of the Global Compact for Refugees, which aims to ease pressures on host countries, enhance refugee self-reliance and support conditions in countries of origin for return in safety and dignity.

While assisting refugees, IOM also implementing programmes to prevent trafficking in persons, strengthen the protection of migrant workers, improve disaster risk reduction and disaster response, and support integrated border management systems.

IOM's web series can be viewed on IOM Indonesia's YouTube channel, starting 29th June 2023, at 9pm.

For more information on the web series, please contact Ayunda Pratama, National Media and Communication at IOM Indonesia, via email: or tel: +62 0811 1219 913.


SDG 3 - Good Health and Well Being
SDG 10 - Reduced Inequalities
SDG 17 - Partnerships for the Goals