
The Indonesian Government Deliberates Program Updates and Offers Insights for Future MMPTF Activities

As the lead coordinating agency for the joint programme on Migration Governance for Sustainable Development in Indonesia, IOM, along with UNDP and UN Women, held the third Programme Steering Committee (PSC) meeting on Tuesday, 9 January 2024, at the Diplomacy Cafeteria Meeting Room, Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss progress and review the implementation plan of the programme. The meeting, attended by 44 participants from 8 ministries, aimed to elaborate on the relevance of the joint programme to national priorities under the action plan for the Global Compact for Migration (GCM). The focus was to ensure that the agreed outputs were delivered as planned and that evolving programme priorities were well addressed to attain the desired outcome. 

This meeting was co-chaired by Penny Dewi Herasati, Director of Socio-Cultural and International Organizations of Developing Countries, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, as a representative of the Government, and Maniza Zaman, UN in Indonesia Resident Coordinator (ad interim). 

During her remark, Penny emphasized the importance of synergy between all stakeholders at the national and local levels to achieve safe and orderly migration governance. “There is a lack of awareness and understanding among local governments of the importance of improving migration governance, possibly because of other pressing local issues and unclear direction on how to integrate national approach to migration programmes at local level. This discussion also helps us to understand the meaning of whole-government approach that recognizes every effort made by each ministry and agency to enhance our migration policies,” she said. 

Responding to Penny’s statement, Jeffrey Labovitz, IOM Indonesia’s Chief of Mission, stated that working with the government at provincial level to localize GCM is key to the successful implementation of the programme. He also appreciated the government that has included migration issues in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Annual Briefing 2024 (PPTM). Migration issues are well incorporated in Ministry of Foreign Affairs priorities and work plan, especially in the context of the protection of Indonesian citizens overseas, trafficking in-person, as well as migrant workers,” said Jeffrey. 

Meanwhile, Hariyanto, Director of the Indonesian Migrant Workers Union (SBMI) said, “From the implementation of this programme so far, we have found many challenges in managing migration in Indonesia. We hope that within the remaining period of the programme, IOM, UNDP, and UN Women can focus on addressing the challenges and gaps identified.”  

Roza Syofiadewi from the Directorate General of Regional Development, Ministry of Home Affairs, emphasized the effectiveness of collaboration between local governments. It remains a challenge to collaborate. Coupled with the lack of awareness regarding Indonesian migrant workers issues, the local government tends to deprioritize programmes for migrant workers in their local planning. This is an urgent priority that should be addressed,” Roza explained. 

The Migration Governance for Sustainable Development in Indonesia programme is funded by the Migration Multi-Partner Trust Fund (MMPTF) for 30 months, starting in January 2022. This joint programme aims to enhance migration governance in Indonesia by supporting government capacities in evidence-based and gender-responsive migration governance at both national and sub-national levels. 


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SDG 10 - Reduced Inequalities
SDG 16 - Peace Justice and Strong Institutions
SDG 17 - Partnerships for the Goals